Peels for acne

Why use skin peel treatment if you have acne?

Skin peels are an additional way of fighting acne, along with the daily care and medication prescribed by your doctor. Skin peels are particularly effective on retentional acne. Skin peels on acne scars also work well.

Such skin care is carried out by a doctor, most often a dermatologist or a cosmetic doctor. The first consultation is key for addressing all your questions as well as fixing a schedule of sessions and getting an idea of the cost. Dermatological peels are often only partially reimbursed by French social security and/or mutual insurance companies.

Acne peels: the process

Acne peels are superficial, medium or deep depending on the degree of exfoliation. In all cases, the facial skin (since it is almost always a peel for facial acne) is prepared several days in advance by applying a specific cream based on fruit acids.

On the day itself, the doctor applies an acid preparation to the skin, which is why it is sometimes called a chemical peel for acne. The doctor leaves the preparation in place for a few minutes, then neutralizes it and applies a soothing cream.

Acne peels, before and after

After a superficial peel, the patient can resume their activities. After a deeper peel, you may need to avoid social activities for a few days.

In the days or even weeks following the peel session, you’ll need to hydrate your skin and protect it from the sun until it has completely regenerated.

Can you use an acne peel at home?

Carrying out your own acne peel with everyday ingredients and obtaining "new skin" in a single step can be very tempting. But beware of the risk of skin irritation! Acne-prone skin isn’t like other skin as it is very fragile and requires appropriate care.

On the other hand, you can use cosmetic care products based on fruit acids in small quantities to fight against marks, imperfections and wrinkles. These treatments are particularly indicated in the case of acne in adults.

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