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Watching what you eat can play a major role in the fight against hair loss. This is simply because the vitamins and minerals provided through your diet are fundamental to the hair’s physiology.
Keep an eye out for hair loss myths. While your diet may not be directly responsible for the hair loss, it can be a major factor, either positive or negative, in how the condition progresses. In fact, vitamins and minerals play an essential role in the hair cycle. This is especially true with regard to renewing the hair bulb’s cells, which have a rapid rate of division. An insufficient intake of vitamins, proteins and minerals (especially in the case of an imbalanced or restrictive diet) can lead to alopecia.
These elements are part of a so-called “normal” diet. Generally speaking, they are good for the body. Concerning the scalp in particular, they have a “boosting” effect on the hair follicles. But not all food is equally beneficial, and if you want to treat your body well and better live with alopecia, you must prioritize certain types of foods.
Among the foods placed in the “anti-hair loss foods” category are those containing proteins, including sulfur amino acids like methionine and cysteine, iron, micro-nutrients like zinc and magnesium, and of course B vitamins. These elements are essential to the body and beneficial for helping hair grow and become thicker and stronger. Unfortunately, these elements become more difficult to absorbs as we age.
The grocery list essentials and foods to combat hair loss:
The best diet for combating female hair loss is comprised of fresh foods, fruits and vegetables.
In addition to these dietary solutions, consider massaging your scalp every evening with your fingertips in order to stimulates micro-circulation and help these vitamins and minerals get absorbed into the hair fiber.
Finally, remember that all these foods must be part of an overall balanced diet!
Loss of hair density, thinning hair
Chronic loss of hair density
Reactional loss of hair volume
Reactional loss of hair volume
Reactional loss of hair volume
Chronic loss of hair density
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