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Ducray Dermatological laboratories
As the name implies, nighttime itching occurs at night, while the person is sleeping... or trying to sleep! Nocturnal pruritus disturbs sleep, causing both difficulties in falling asleep and waking up during the night. The result is poorer sleep quality and many consequences during the day: fatigue, difficulty concentrating, irritability, etc. Knowing where nighttime itching comes from can help you better manage it and get back to restful sleep. Let's look into it!
Having itchy skin in the evening and at night is a sign of many conditions, both dermatological and non-dermatological. Here are some examples of diseases that cause nighttime itching:
External factors such as heat, friction with the bedsheets or allergies to certain bedding components could explain the aggravation of some forms of itching at night.
Nighttime itching affects sleep, daytime behavior and the skin. In fact, itching in bed often results in more severe scratching lesions because the person scratches harder without even realizing it. It is therefore important to find solutions to relieve itching at night.
In cases of nighttime itching, it is important to consult a doctor to determine the cause of the itching. It could be an infection by itch mites, and in this case an anti-parasitic treatment must be quickly set up to avoid the propagation of an epidemic. As cancer is also a rare but possible cause of nighttime itching, early diagnosis allows for proper management and a better prognosis. Once the cause of the itching is identified, follow your medical prescription.
At the same time, relieving nighttime itching involves implementing new habits that are beneficial to the skin. Here are some simple tips to help reduce itching and get a better night's sleep: