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Ducray Dermatological laboratories
VEGAN formula, hair and nails.
ANACAPS REACTIV helps stimulate HAIR GROWTH thanks to Field Horsetail which helps promote growth and reinforce the hair follicle*.
Vitamin B6, which contributes to the normal synthesis of cysteine and sulfur-containing amino acids (cysteine and methionine), precursors to the synthesis of keratin, which is the building block of hair, help maintain strong hair**.
Vitamins B3 and B6 help reduce fatigue***. In addition, thanks to vitamin B8 (biotin) and selenium, ANACAPS REACTIV contributes to the maintenance of healthy hair and nails in the context of occasional and temporary hair loss (linked to stress, fatigue, post-childbirth, certain medications, seasonal changes, a restrictive diet****).
Suitable for reactional hair loss caused by stress, fatigue, post-pregnancy, post-breastfeeding and seasonal changes****. ANACAPS REACTIV provides healthy hair and nails.
• HEALTHY hair and nails
*Field Horsetail, which helps promote growth and reinforce the hair follicle.
**Sulfur amino acids, (cysteine and methionine) help maintain and strengthen hair.
***Vitamins B3 and B6, help reduce fatigue.
****This food supplement may be used by pregnant women (from the 2nd trimester) and nursing mothers. Can be used on scalps sensitized by cancer treatments (1 month after treatment has stopped). Check with your doctor or pharmacist.
VEGAN formula. Gluten and soya free.
Une capsule tous les matins
• La prise de ce complément alimentaire ne doit pas se substituer à un régime alimentaire varié, équilibré et mode de vie sain
• A consommer de préférence avant la date indiquée sur l'étui et à conserver à l'abri de la lumière dans un endroit sec et frais.
• Peut être utilisé sur les cuirs chevelus fragilisés par les traitements anticancéreux*
• Ne pas laisser à la portée des enfants
• Ne pas dépasser la dose journalière indiquée
• Déconseillé aux personnes souffrant de maladies ayant pour conséquence une accumulation anormale de fer
Active ingredient that helps to activate the scalp microcirculation.
Promotes hair growth and strengthens hair