Should you remove cradle cap?

Cradle cap in infants is a benign skin disease and not a serious one. It is a very common condition that fortunately does not create any inconvenience or discomfort in young children. Some parents wish to remove cradle cap crusts for esthetic reasons, but be careful not to scratch dry: this may further irritate the scalp which is already weakened and also presents a risk of infection.



Solutions to remove cradle cap

So is it necessary to get rid of cradle cap at all costs?
If parents are not bothered by the sometimes-unsightly appearance of cradle cap, it is not mandatory to remove it and start a treatment. Cradle cap will disappear of its own accord over time, but you will have to be patient because it can take several years. It sometimes persists until the age of two or three years.

However, cradle cap needs to be monitored, as in rare cases it can spread, thicken, or become infected, especially when touched or scratched, and therefore require special care.
The first treatment consists of a few cleansing gestures, such as washing the scalp with a gentle shampoo and daily gentle brushing to promote the removal of crusts.
Among the range of dermo-cosmetic products available in pharmacies for babies, there are many solutions to treat and remove cradle cap. These come in the form of shampoo, as well as cream, gel, emulsion, etc. These products tend to be hydrating to soften the crusts as well as having keratolytic action to promote the removal of scales.

Ask your pharmacist for advice or consult your pediatrician, they will support you and advise you on the most suitable treatment to remove your child's cradle cap.

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