ICTYANE – Dry skin

ICTYANE – Dry skin

Does your skin feel tight? Is it rough and lacking in radiance and suppleness? The ICTYANE range meets all these skin disorders related to dry skin. By offering cleansing products, daily care and complementary care products, the ICTYANE range helps to cleanse, protect, moisturize and repair the driest skin. Skin comfort is restored.

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Find out more about dry skin

Our care routines for dry skin

Learn more about dry skin

Do you have questions about dry skin and how to manage it daily? Tightness, itching, spots, dry or dehydrated skin?



Discover our advice to better understand your dry skin:

How do I take care of my dry skin?

What cleansing products should I use for my dry skin? 
How do I moisturize my dry skin? 
Dry skin and spots: what should I do? 
Is my skin dry or dehydrated?


Why does skin get dry?

Why is dry skin itchy? Why is skin prone to spots during the menstrual cycle? 
Why does skin become dry with age? 
Does water make skin dry? 
Why is my skin dry? 
Seasonal changes: why does dry skin feel tight in winter?


Our ICTYANE care routines for dry skin

Choose the right ICTYANE care routine for your skin type:



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