KELUAL – Cradle cap

KELUAL – Cradle cap

KELUAL emulsion was designed to treat your baby’s cradle cap from the age of one month. Cradle cap is not dangerous and does not cause any discomfort to the new-born. These plaques disappear in a few weeks or months but may also persist until the child is two or three years old. It is most often simply an aesthetic nuisance for the parents.

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Learn more about cradle cap

When should I use the KELUAL emulsion?

Cradle cap is easily recognisable. It appears as clusters of skin plaques, commonly called scales, related to excess sebum. They are mainly located at the top of the head, but may extend beyond the scalp, around the eyebrows, and more rarely in skin folds.   


What can I do to treat cradle cap?

KELUAL emulsion is a cream that gently removes cradle cap. This moisturizing, well-tolerated and gentle product is the ideal solution for its treatment. Its comfortable texture and ease of application are highly valued. KELUAL emulsion, combined with a gentle shampoo such as EXTRA-GENTLE Dermo-protective shampoo for rinsing, removes any cradle cap, and can be used as often as necessary.

Discover the cradle cap care routine for babies.


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