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DUCRAY Dermatological Laboratories
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Eczema is regularly associated with the notion of allergy: food allergy, allergy to pollens, dust mites, animal hair, fragrances, metals, cosmetics, etc. Some people even claim to be "allergic to everything"! What is it really about? What is allergic eczema? Let's try to find out.
Allergies are also called hypersensitivity; they are abnormal and exaggerated reactions of the immune system to foreign elements in the body called allergens.
It is certainly true that eczema can be directly due to an allergy. The best-known allergic eczema is contact eczema, in which you become allergic to a substance that comes into prolonged contact with the skin.
Atopic eczema is not strictly speaking an allergic eczema even though the two notions are frequently confused. Environmental allergens are aggravating factors in atopic eczema rather than the true cause of the disease. Moreover, in most cases, it is not an allergy but rather a sensitization of the body to certain substances swallowed, breathed in or applied to the skin.
To diagnose allergic eczema, it is often necessary to see an allergist and undergo additional tests called allergy tests.
Please note that in the case of "classic" atopic eczema, allergy tests are useless. For example, they can reveal a sensitization to dust mites, but under no circumstances should it be concluded that the eczema is caused by dust mites and only by dust mites! Vacuuming the house from floor to ceiling will not prevent eczema flare-ups because they are due to several factors: cold, wind, stress, etc.
If an allergy has been proven through allergy testing, then the main measure to implement is avoidance to prevent further flare-ups of allergic eczema.
Atopic eczema, contact eczema, chronic eczema, eyelid eczema