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DUCRAY Dermatological Laboratories
Our articles to help you gain a better understanding
Your baby is only a few weeks or months old and already has eczema! At the end of the consultation, the physician usually proposes one or more creams for the baby's eczema. What do they contain? Are they safe? How should they be applied? We explain everything!
There are generally two main types of creams used for baby eczema:
Usually, care takes place once a day, preferably in the evening after the bath, when parents have time to apply their baby's eczema creams. Bath time is a special moment of bonding between the parents and the child. Moreover, the skin that has just been washed and delicately dried is still slightly damp, which favors the penetration of creams.
Topical corticosteroids are applied in a thin layer to eczema plaques as soon as they appear and until they disappear. If the flare-up starts again, the cortisone cream must be restarted to relieve the baby's eczema.
Emollients can be applied to the rest of the body as often as needed! Creams for infant eczema are safe when used as prescribed.
If in doubt or if you have any questions about using a cream on your baby's atopic skin, ask your physician or pharmacist for advice.
Atopic eczema, contact eczema, chronic eczema, eyelid eczema