Eczema on black skin

What are the symptoms of eczema on black skin?

Atopic dermatitis on black or dark skin has much in common with atopic dermatitis on white or fair skin. Symptoms such as dry skin, itching, scratching lesions, or oozing from certain plaques are the same regardless of skin color.

On the other hand, the redness associated with atopic dermatitis is not really visible on black skin, even if the inflammation is indeed there. The thickening of the skin, also called lichenification, takes on a different appearance in eczema on black skin: the skin forms squares and becomes darker than the rest of the body.

How should you treat eczema on black skin?

Eczema on black skin is treated in exactly the same way as eczema on white skin, most often using anti-inflammatory creams and emollients.

In case of eczema on black skin or white skin, anti-inflammatory creams are applied to the plaques, while emollients are applied everywhere else and whenever you like, to fight against skin dryness.

If the application of anti-inflammatory creams is not enough, eczema on black skin can benefit from all the therapeutic alternatives: oral immunosuppressants, biotherapies, phototherapy, thermal cures.

My skin lightens or darkens in places, what can i do?

Eczema is a skin disease that is regularly accompanied by depigmentation (lightening of the skin) and hyperpigmentation (darkening of the skin), most often completely benign and transient.

In the case of eczema on black skin, these pigmentation fluctuations are more noticeable on dark skin than on light skin. Many people worry about or question treatment with cortisone or topical corticosteroid creams. One of the undesirable effects of cortisone creams is to cause pigmentation disorders, including depigmentation. Under normal conditions of use, cortisone creams have an anti-inflammatory and non-depigmenting action even on eczema on black skin. It is therefore essential to comply with the medical prescription and not to be afraid of treatment.

Don't hesitate to ask your pharmacist or physician to choose products adapted to your skin and eczema.

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