What are the signs of aging of hair?

Hair ages just like skin does. Hair aging is a natural process which, at around 45-50 years old, causes the hair texture to change. Whilst it does not happen overnight, there are clear warnings signs...




The appearance of white hairs, the most obvious symptom of aging of hair

We are not all equally affected when it comes to white hair. Some are lucky enough to have them appear relatively late in life, when they're well past their fifties. However, some men and women are downhearted when they see the first white strands scattering their hair at around 25-30 years old - this is more common than many people would think. Whilst it is primarily a question of genetic make-up, and therefore hereditary, it is also important that you face the facts: the appearance of graying and white hair is the first sign of hair aging, and the one that is easiest to spot.

The cause? When hair ages, the melanocytes located at the hair root produce less and less melanin. This pigment (produced in greater or lesser quantities by these cells) gives hair its color. And when the melanocytes have used up all their melanin, the hair begins growing white.

Loss of hair volume, another sign of aging of hair

It's a fact: when hair ages, there is a loss of hair volume. In both middle-aged men and women, there is less blood flow in the scalp and around the hair follicles. These slight micro-circulation issues are not without consequences: as a result of decreased blood flow, the hair bulb receives less oxygen and fewer nutrients (vitamins and trace elements) necessary for good growth. Result: the hair fiber loses thickness and its diameter decreases. This marks the beginning of thin hair that is difficult to style.

Evaluate the volume of your hair

Ladies, the foolproof trick to figure out whether you're experiencing aging of hair: put your hair in a ponytail and observe the result. Do you feel that your hair is thinner than before? Your hair is probably aging. Just like you swap out your face products for anti-aging skin care, turn to specifically designed hair products to control hair aging, and revitalize and redensify the fiber. Aside from thinner hair, another disadvantage is that it also becomes more vulnerable: say hello to dry, dull and porous hair which absorbs moisture and becomes untameable. Your hair needs a helping hand...

How to restore volume and thickness?

To help restore thickness and volume to your hair, use a range of hair care products every day that is specifically formulated to protect the hair root and redensify the fiber. What is another invaluable element of an anti-hair aging routine? A food supplement treatment rich in antioxidants and vitamins, which will act as a booster in the long run.


Hair which grows at a slower rate: another sign of hair aging

In women, when menopause begins, the level of female hormones decreases. Male hormones take over, which causes the life cycle of hair (hair cycle) to change. The hair's growth phase becomes shorter, which doesn't really give the hair follicle time to produce quality keratin, the protein which hair is mostly made up of, and which gives it its strength. Less oxygen and nutrients are supplied to the scalp, and hair growth slows down, resulting in increasingly thin hair. Result: in people around the age of 50, the hair that grows is not as strong or resistant, and is more porous. That also comes with aging of hair!

This phenomenon is not only associated with the passing of time, but also with several external aggressions that affect hair (such as UV rays from the sun, friction or heat-styling tools).

Is your hair causing you difficulty? Do you not know what reflexes to adopt to stop this problem? Start by identifying whether it is real hair loss or slowing of hair growth.

Are you finding excessive amounts of hair in the shower? Then it is highly likely that you fit into the first category. Is your ponytail or braid thinner? Is your hair growing more slowly? Is your hair thinner or more difficult to style than it was a month ago? If so, you are in the 2nd category. So which category do you fit into?

Complete your online hair diagnosis here. We'll respond to you in several clicks!

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