Hyperhidrosis and disease

Hyperhidrosis can have a particularly serious impact and many repercussions on a person’s quality of life.

There are multiple causes of hyperhidrosis. That’s why it’s important to consult your doctor to identify the causes and implement solutions to manage hyperhidrosis.
Diabetes, certain neurological conditions and hormonal changes are all factors that can bring about a symptom of hyperhidrosis.



Hyperhidrosis and diabetes

If you have diabetes, your blood sugar level can drop sharply, a phenomenon called hypoglycaemia. This commonly results in cold sweats or profuse sweating, especially at night. The body secretes substances such as adrenaline and noradrenaline to compensate for this lack of sugar, which trigger the mechanisms of sweat production. Therefore, diabetes and excessive perspiration often go hand in hand.

Hyperhidrosis and hormones

Some hormonal imbalances can also cause excessive perspiration.
Particularly in women during menopause, since hot flashes are often accompanied by sweating, and night sweats are characterized by profuse sweating of the entire body. Night sweats are particularly problematic because they can interrupt sleep.

Hyperhidrosis and neurological conditions

Certain neurological diseases, such as Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis and strokes, can be accompanied by hyperhidrosis. These are generally conditions that affect the sympathetic nervous system. This same system is responsible for producing sweat, which is why they can cause a symptom of hyperhidrosis.

Hyperhidrosis and alcohol consumption

Alcohol increases our blood flow and blood sugar. That’s why excessive alcohol consumption increases sweating.
Our body perceives alcohol as a toxin, so it makes every effort to get rid of it, through the liver, urine and sweat. In case of excessive perspiration, it is therefore important to reduce alcohol consumption and to stay well hydrated, especially during and after alcohol consumption.

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