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DUCRAY Dermatological Laboratories
Pregnancy pruritus is also called gestational pruritus, pruritus gravidarum or pruritus in pregnancy. It is simply pruritus present during pregnancy.
Pregnancy pruritus can appear at the very beginning of pregnancy or later, usually during the 3rd trimester in cases of polymorphic eruption of pregnancy or obstetric cholestasis. Itching during pregnancy can be a nuisance in everyday life, sometimes even causing insomnia.
The locations of pregnancy itching can vary. Pregnant women often have an itchy stomach, but not exclusively. Pregnancy pruritus can affect the whole body.
The cause of itching is very varied:
Obstetric cholestasis is the most common liver disease occurring during pregnancy.
In late pregnancy, obstetric cholestasis combines intense pruritus with biological disturbances such as elevated bile acids and liver enzymes called transaminases. Fortunately, these clinical and biological signs of obstetric cholestasis are reversible after delivery. As for pruritus, it first affects the hands and feet but can spread to the rest of the body.
Obstetric cholestasis has no harmful consequences for the mother, except for the pregnancy itching that sometimes prevents her from sleeping. On the other hand, obstetric cholestasis can have harmful consequences for the fetus and this is what makes it so serious. Obstetric cholestasis increases the risk of fetal death in utero, but also of prematurity and respiratory distress at birth. It is therefore essential to go see a doctor in cases of pregnancy pruritus.
In case of obstetric cholestasis, the pregnant woman benefits from a close follow-up. The doctor prescribes an oral treatment that will reduce the pregnancy pruritus and improve test results.
At the same time, a few simple rules of hygiene and skincare can help relieve pregnancy pruritus on a daily basis: