Medicinal treatments to fight seborrheic dermatitis

Medicinal treatments and seborrheic dermatitis

Among the medications indicated for seborrheic dermatitis, topical antifungal treatments are the most widely used and prescribed. Several molecules have proven their efficacy, so let's take a look at some of them together:

Ketoconazole (1,2,3):

This is one of the oldest treatments for seborrheic dermatitis. It acts by modifying the wall of yeasts (including those of the Malassezia genus, involved in seborrheic dermatitis) and provides anti-inflammatory action. It comes in the form of a shampoo or cream and is partly reimbursed by the French social security system.

  • In the form of a shampoo, it is found under several trade names. It is recommended to apply it twice a week for two to four weeks. Adverse effects such as irritation, pruritus (or itching), contact eczema or, even more rarely, changes in the color of gray or dyed hair can sometimes be observed with this treatment.
  • As a cream, it is used once to twice a day during the flare-up phase. It is advisable to continue the treatment two to three days after symptoms have disappeared. The side effects are the same as those that can be observed with the shampoo form.

Ciclopirox olamine (4,5):

Ciclopirox olamine has anti-fungal action, which means it fights against yeast of the Malassezia genus, as well as being anti-inflammatory. The shampoo is applied two or three times a week for four weeks.
Contact eczema has sometimes been observed as a side effect.

Selenium disulfide (6):

Selenium disulfide shampoo acts by reducing the proliferation of cells, therefore of scales, and works against the proliferation of yeast of the Malassezia genus.

In comparison with ketoconazole, selenium disulfide appears to be slightly less effective and less well tolerated, and its main side effects are irritation and dryness. It is applied twice a week for two weeks and then once a week.

Lithium salts (7,8):

Lithium salt is indicated in seborrheic dermatitis on the face. It is applied locally twice a day until symptoms disappear. It is known for its anti-inflammatory, anti-pruritic and anti-fungal action. It has proven to be as effective as ketoconazole.

Topical corticosteroids (9,10,11):

Topical corticosteroids may be prescribed in cases of seborrheic dermatitis on the face. They mainly enable the reduction of symptom intensity and are used for short periods of time in combination with an anti-fungal agent. It is recommended to apply them to lesions once a day.

In the most severe forms of the condition and in the event of failure of topical treatments, your physician may use oral medication (oral antifungals, etc.) or phototherapy.

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