Swimming pool, swimming when you have eczema?

Eczema and the swimming pool, friends or enemies?

Swimming pool water is often rich in chlorine. In case of eczema, the pool will tend to cause tingling on the skin. The same happens with saltwater pools and seawater.

Regardless of the type of pool, bathing dries eczema-prone skin and increases discomfort.

Going to the pool when you have eczema is often psychologically challenging. In a swimsuit, it's hard to hide all the eczema plaques! Other swimmers may look at the plaques, or worse, think it's a contagious disease when eczema is actually not


at all.

At first glance, eczema and the swimming pool seem incompatible. But on the other hand, the pool provides a feeling of relaxation and well-being that can be very beneficial in case of eczema. It is therefore perfectly possible to go to the pool when you have eczema, except in the case of a very intense flare-up and "raw" eczema plaques. In this case, it is advisable to postpone swimming for a few days to relieve the eczema.

Swimming in case of eczema

Living with eczema means finding solutions to be able to live like everyone else despite the disease and the plaques on the skin.

Swimming in case of atopic dermatitis is entirely possible, you just need to respect a few simple rules:

  • Take a shower before and after swimming;
  • Apply a barrier cream before swimming, especially on areas prone to eczema and/or rubbing areas;
  • Apply sunscreen if the pool is outdoors;
  • Dry yourself thoroughly without rubbing after bathing;
  • Apply a hydrating cream after bathing.

Don't hesitate to ask your pharmacist or physician to choose products adapted to your skin and your eczema.

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