Hair loss and the pill

Certain contraceptives may have a positive effect on the hair, while others, on the contrary, can cause hair loss in women. The pill and hair loss: learn everything you need to know about this common phenomenon.



What effects do contraceptives have on the hair?

Hormones can have both a positive and a negative effect on the entire body, including the hair. Indeed, hormonal changes play a major role in the hair’s health and overall appearance. Shiny, full hair or dry, dull hair and hormonal hair loss. Hormones are more critical than you think! It thus follows that contraception, such as the pill, would have a direct impact on the hair’s appearance, the main factor being the composition and dose of hormones contained in the pill. As these criteria vary from one pill to the next, hormonal contraceptives can have a negative or positive effect on the hair. Oral oestro-progestative contraceptives can have a positive effect on hair quality, whereas progestin-only contraceptives have a negative effect.

When coming off the pill causes hair loss

It is entirely possible that oral contraceptives are linked to hair loss, and can sometimes even cause alopecia in women. Stopping a progestin contraceptive will have a positive effect on hair quality, whereas stopping an estrogen- and progesterone-based (androgen-like) contraceptive could lead to diffuse hair loss. In men, this hair loss is localized to certain areas of the head. In women, however, it is spread out evenly throughout the hair, resulting in an overall appearance of lost volume. This is known as chronic telogen effluvium. It generally manifests sporadically over the course of several years in middle-aged women with healthy hair initially.

Food supplements containing vitamins and minerals can be a good complementary option thanks to their key role in the hair’s physiology.

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