Excessive perspiration of the face and head

Facial hyperhidrosis is characterized by excessive perspiration localized on the forehead, temples, scalp and nape of the neck.
Excessive facial perspiration is a phenomenon that occurs mainly during the day.

Excessive perspiration of the face and head is particularly troublesome and can become a real handicap in everyday life. Everyone can see the sweat, it is particularly obvious.



What is sweat?

Sweat is produced by the eccrine and apocrine sweat glands present in the skin’s dermis. Sweating is an essential phenomenon for the body, because it serves to regulate body temperature and to eliminate certain waste products.

It is no coincidence if our feet, hands, groin, armpits and forehead sweat more than other parts of our body, because they have more eccrine glands.

Facial hyperhidrosis

Facial oversweating is a sign of excessive perspiration. It can have serious psychological consequences, including loss of self-confidence, fear of others and isolation. Thus begins a truly vicious circle, because stress encourages sweating.

Causes of facial hyperhidrosis

There are lots of things that can cause facial hyperhidrosis:

  • Physical effort
  • Being overweight or poor dietary habits
  • Stress
  • A hormonal disorder
  • Certain diseases, such as diabetes
  • Taking certain medicinal treatments
  • ...

Are there solutions for preventing facial oversweating?

Whether you suffer from hyperhidrosis of the scalp, excessive perspiration of the forehead or oversweating on the temples or the nape, solutions do exist!
In case of excessive perspiration, it is recommended to use an antiperspirant containing aluminium salts, which will block sweat secretion and put the sweat glands to rest for several days.
Don’t hesitate to talk about this and to ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice, so that you can begin an appropriate treatment.

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