Excessive perspiration of the hands

It is not uncommon to have sweaty palms, for example before an interview or in a stressful situation. The idea of shaking hands with someone then becomes embarrassing and awkward. This phenomenon is known as excessive perspiration of the hands. Rest assured, because there are solutions.



Why do we sweat?

Sweat is produced by the eccrine and apocrine sweat glands present in the skin’s dermis. It serves to not only regulate our body temperature but also eliminate certain types of waste.
There are larger numbers of eccrine glands in certain areas of the body, including the feet, hands and armpits, which is why we sweat more in certain places.

Palmar hyperhidrosis

In most cases, hyperhidrosis is localized to certain areas of the body. When excessive perspiration affects the hands, it is a sign of oversweating. We call it palmar hyperhidrosis.

Oversweating of the hands makes them damp and warm. The sweat can even actually trickle, requiring people who must write to use a blotter. It can have a serious impact on both the professional and social lives of those suffering from it.

What causes palmar hyperhidrosis

Lots of things can cause excessive hand sweating:

  • Physical effort
  • Being overweight or poor dietary habits
  • Stress
  • A hormonal disorder
  • Certain medicinal treatments
  • Certain medical conditions, including diabetes
  • And even heredity

Are there solutions for palmar hyperhidrosis?

Fortunately, solutions do exist!
Antiperspirants containing aluminium salts help to prevent this excessive perspiration. They act by putting the sweat glands to rest for several days. Antiperspirants come in many forms. Lotions and creams are more convenient for use on palms, as opposed to sticks or roll-ons.

If in doubt, or if you need advice, do not hesitate to talk to your doctor or pharmacist to initiate an appropriate treatment.

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