Essential oils effective against hyperpigmentation

Many people use essential oils as a natural remedy. But which essential oils can you use in case of brown spots



Which essential oils are effective against brown spots?

Several essential oils are used against brown spots. Here are a few examples:

  • Immortelle essential oil soothes and repairs the skin; it has a stimulating action on blood circulation and an anti-aging action. In case of brown spots, immortelle essential oil may be applied pure on very localized lesions or diluted in a cream or vegetable oil for more extensive lesions;
  • Carrot essential oil is a powerful skin regenerator, which you should always use diluted in a cream or vegetable oil. In case of brown spots, carrot essential oil may be combined with celery essential oil for a synergistic action;
  • Tea tree essential oil is very often used to treat all types of small skin imperfection. In case of brown spots, tea tree essential oil is generally used diluted to avoid skin irritation.

How do I use them?

Essential oils used against brown spots are usually applied on the skin.

There are lots of sites and blogs on the Internet dedicated specifically to essential oils, which tell patients what to do in case of brown spots. But it’s best to seek advice from a health professional specialized in aromatherapy before using any.

And don’t forget, use of essential oils to treat brown spots is no substitute for a treatment prescribed by the doctor, and may even be discouraged because of a risk of triggering additional irritation.

A word of warning, you must not use essential oils if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. It’s also recommended to carry out a tolerance test in the fold of your elbow at least 48 hours before using an essential oil against brown spots to check that you are not allergic.

Finally, some essential oils used against brown spots are photosensitising, meaning you must not expose yourself to the sun after applying them, or apply them in the evening.

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