Homeopathy treatments for psoriasis

Homeopathy is undoubtedly the most well-known natural treatment, widely available in pharmacies, bookshops and on the internet. There are no side effects, no drug interactions, and this treatment can be used from a very young age and by pregnant women.



What is homeopathy?

The various galenic forms available (granules, globules, tablets, mother tinctures, etc.) in homeopathy are produced according to the principles of similarity and dilution (infinitesimal doses of plant, animal or mineral substances which, when administered to a healthy person, bring out the symptoms of the disease to be treated).

The third fundamental principle of homeopathy is that of individualization or globality: the patient is treated as a whole and not just according to their symptoms. This discipline was invented by a German doctor, Samuel Hahnemann, in the 18th century.

Homeopathy and psoriasis

For many years, patients and healthcare professionals have debated the efficacy of homeopathy in psoriasis and other diseases: does it really work? In the case of psoriasis, some patients do see an improvement in their skin's condition, while others find no relief whatsoever. What is certain is that homeopathic treatment can complement but should not replace treatments prescribed by dermatologists and the advice given on cleansing and skin care: wash with a mild, soap-free cleanser, hydrate your skin with a specialist product, etc.

The question is which homeopathic treatment is appropriate for a given patient, as a clear description of the lesions is required: the treatment strain will differ depending on the appearance, size, color and location of plaques and any associated disorders.

​The different homeopathic strains help to soothe psoriasis, and in particular to fight against the itching, stress and sleeping problems caused by psoriasis. Consulting a homeopathic doctor will enable you to take stock of these issues and develop a personalized treatment program.

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