Excessive perspiration at work

Excessive perspiration, or hyperhidrosis, is not a serious phenomenon, but it can be particularly troublesome in everyday life, especially in the workplace.



Skin problems

Skin problems can occur in people who suffer regularly from sweaty hands and feet.
It can encourage the development of:

  • Fungal infections of the nails and skin
  • Warts on the hands and feet
  • Frostbite in skiers and people working in the cold

Risk of dehydration

Excessive and regular perspiration can also lead to dehydration, especially in hot weather. This is why it’s important to drink sufficiently and regularly if you suffer from hyperhidrosis, particularly after intense physical exercise.

A serious social impact

Hyperhidrosis can have a major impact on the daily lives of sufferers.
Excessive perspiration can even result in withdrawal and isolation, creating additional stress and anxiety over social contact. It can lead to not only isolation, but also depression.

Few people dare to talk about their condition to their doctor for fear of being judged or because they are embarrassed. Some patients also believe their oversweating is a normal phenomenon, and that nothing can be done. But lots of solutions exist that are proven to be effective. Starting with antiperspirants containing aluminium salts, which reduce the amount of sweat released by sweat glands, in addition to iontophoresis and botulinum toxin injections in the most severe cases. Surgery may even be considered in the event of severe hyperhidrosis and if other treatments fail.

Hyperhidrosis, a problem in the workplace

Hyperhidrosis is particularly troublesome in everyday life from a social point of view. There are also certain professions for which it can be particularly inconvenient, for example musicians, salespeople and hairdressers. This is why it’s important to talk to your doctor, in order to implement the right solutions and prevent oversweating.

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