Excessive perspiration during sport

We all sweat profusely in case of physical exertion. We often see athletes wiping their faces during major competitions. But why do we sweat to varying degrees when practicing a sport? Why do we sweat simply during intense physical activity?



Sweat cools the body

Sweating is a natural process, it is our body’s cooling mechanism. Our body must maintain its temperature at 37 °C to function properly. During intense exercise, for example a sports workout, our body temperature rises, and sweat secretion increases to lower its temperature.
Beyond being useful, sweat is necessary for our various organs to work efficiently. If we did not sweat, we would risk hyperthermia.

Drink regularly

When you sweat a lot, you become dehydrated. Dehydration can be very dangerous for the body and affect our physical and intellectual capacities, such as concentration. It is therefore very important to drink regularly, in particular when suffering from hyperhidrosis.

Sweat: a personal affair

We do not all sweat in the same way. We’re more or less sensitive to heat, to physical exercise and to stress, and genetics can also make a difference. In fact, it has been demonstrated that there is often a hereditary aspect to hyperhidrosis, i.e. excessive perspiration even at rest.
The exact causes of hyperhidrosis are not always obvious. Most of the time, people with hyperhidrosis are probably genetically predisposed, but sometimes hyperhidrosis can be induced by an illness or by taking certain medicinal treatments.

If you suffer from excessive perspiration even at rest, bite the bullet and talk about it, and do not hesitate to consult your doctor. There are lots of solutions for preventing the symptoms of hyperhidrosis.

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