Brown spots around the eyes

Brown spots on the eye contour can sometimes attract unpleasant remarks: “you look tired”, “you look sad”, “you’re working too hard”, “did you sleep enough last night?”



Brown spots on the eye contour: what causes them?

Brown spots on the body are very common, and can appear in various places: face, hands, neck, décolleté, etc. Unfortunately, the eye contour is no exception!
The skin around the eyes is particularly thin and sensitive to internal and external factors: hormones, pollution, climate, skin aging, UV rays. The sun therefore plays a particularly important role in hyperpigmentation of the eye contour and the appearance of dark circles.
Pigmentation spots under the eyes and in the corner of the eye are usually more frequent on mixed or dark skin. So even the very young can have hyperpigmented eye bags, and can suffer greatly because they are highly visible. Hyperpigmentation of dark circles can therefore pose an aesthetic problem.

Brown spots on the eye contour: what are the treatments?

Before beginning any form of treatment for dark circles, you should consider good-quality sun protection. This will not erase the brown spots on the eye contour, but it will prevent them from getting worse.
Treatment may then be proposed on a case-by-case basis to combat dark circles; dermo-cosmetics specifically formulated for hyperpigmentation help to correct, even out and protect the skin. You can use them as a first-line treatment or as a follow-up to treatments prescribed and/or performed by a dermatologist.
Be sure to check that the products may be applied around the eyes.
In addition, you can use make-up to camouflage brown spots on the eye contour. According to the principle of color correction, an orange-colored concealer used on brown circles will instantly blur them.

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