Brown spots on the lips

Brown spots can appear anywhere, including on extremely small areas. Brown spots on the lips are often found difficult to live with because they are considered unattractive.



How do brown spots around the mouth appear?

Brown spots on the lips are usually caused by a twofold mechanism, like most brown spots on the body:

  • On the one hand, sun exposure, which is the main cause of hyperpigmentation;
  • On the other, female hormones, which can cause melasma, commonly called a “pregnancy mask” when occurring in pregnant women.

Other factors may also contribute to the onset of lip hyperpigmentation, in particular age, which tends to make brown spots on the lips worse. Certain skin diseases, such as acne, are sources of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation and can cause brown spots on the lips. Finally, there is lip hyperpigmentation of genetic origin, for example in black or mixed skin.

Where do brown spots around the mouth appear?

Hyperpigmentation of the lips is essentially characterized by the presence of brown spots on the upper lip. Brown spots on the lower lip are also possible, but rarer. Wherever they are, pigmentation spots on the lips are difficult to live with because they make the face appear uneven, even dirty. It can be difficult if people stare.

A word of warning, if a brown spot appears suddenly inside your lip, you must consult a doctor, because in very rare cases it can signal a more serious illness.

How to remove brown spots on the lips?

Special techniques are generally necessary to remove brown spots on the lips, for example chemical peels. You can also use dermo-cosmetics formulated specifically for hyperpigmentation as a complement or follow-up treatment to correct, even out and protect the skin. Be careful not to apply them directly on the lips but only around them.

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