Chemical peel for eliminating brown spots

A chemical peel is a treatment that consists of removing the superficial layers of the skin to allow them to regenerate completely. A chemical peel is a technical procedure performed by a doctor, usually a dermatologist or a cosmetic doctor. Read on to learn all about ways of “renewing” your skin.



Why use chemical peels for brown spots?

Chemical peels are an additional way to remove brown spots as a complement to daily skin care and any prescribed medicinal treatments.

The chemical peels used for brown spots are generally medium-depth peels, i.e. they act on the entire epidermis up to the superficial dermis. In other words, using a chemical peel for melasma is effective only on epidermal melasma.

Chemical peels for brown spots: what does it involve?

Standard acid-based peels have a global action. They are applied and then rinsed off after a few minutes.

Depigmenting peels are formulated specifically to remove brown spots. The doctor will apply the peel, but it’s the patient who will then rinse it off once back at home, a few hours later.

A chemical peel used by a dermatologist has nothing in common therefore with your chemical peel at home. Beware of recipes on the Internet, they can cause irritation! On the other hand, don’t hesitate to try cosmetics containing fruit acids to benefit from their regenerating action.

Chemical peels for brown spots: before and after

Several weeks before the anti-brown spot chemical peel, the doctor will prescribe a cream to prepare the skin, combined with maximum sun protection.

After the session, it is common to experience irritation, redness and even edema, and several days of downtime may be necessary. The doctor will prescribe a soothing repair cream and maximum sun protection.

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