Medicinal treatments for brown spots

When brown spots pose a big aesthetic problem, it is important to be able to treat them effectively using one or more forms of medication.



Medicinal treatments for brown spots: in what form?

Anti-brown spot treatments come in the form of a medicinal cream. They are generally magistral preparations, in other words mixtures prescribed for a given patient and prepared in a pharmacy. These mixtures are available on prescription only.

Medicinal treatments for brown spots: which active ingredients?

The main treatment against brown spots is known as the Kligman trio. It combines three active principles:

  • Hydroquinone, which is the benchmark depigmenting active ingredient. Hydroquinone may also be used in other mixtures, or even alone;
  • Hydrocortisone, which is a local corticosteroid with anti-inflammatory properties;
  • Retinoic acid, which has a keratolytic action that promotes cell renewal.

The concentration of these active ingredients may vary according to the formula and the desired result.

Medicinal treatments for brown spots: what precautions should I take?

The anti-brown spot mixtures presented above are unstable and sensitive to oxidation. You must respect the expiry dates and storage requirements: in the refrigerator and away from light.

Medicinal treatments for brown spots cannot be used over the long term because they are too irritating. They are generally used for a maximum of 8 weeks, and may be renewed once a year.

Medicinal treatments for brown spots cannot be used during pregnancy because they contain hydroquinone and retinoic acid.

In addition or as a follow-up to medicinal treatments for brown spots, you can use dermo-cosmetics formulated for brown spots that are also gentle on the skin.

Don’t forget to use sun protection in addition to any anti-brown spot treatment.

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